Erium is a Portuguese brand of bags and fashion accessories, in the market since 2000.

We work with retailers throughout the country and abroad, providing contemporary design products with the best value for money on the market. Moreover, we communicate directly with the end consumer through a digital multichannel strategy that promotes the brand's notoriety/ reputation and the hype of our products.

Erium partners know that they can rely on:

-Products that reflect and/or anticipate the latest trends;

-Quality at competitive prices;

-An online/offline marketing strategy;

-A tireless customer service.

We would be happy to have you as a partner and establish a win-win relationship with your company.

Contact us for more information about our products and trade policies or create an account for your company in order to access our full catalogue and order Erium products directly through our website.


Young adults, classic or modern, Erium women are always elegant and beautiful, proudly feminine. Erium: a brand for women who feel good in their own skin and naturally spread magic all around them.


We prefer to anticipate trends rather than following them. In fashion and everything else. Erium women aren't afraid to take risks, but they also know that with us it's a controlled risk. We are very mindful, and so are they. We are together.


We design our collections for real women who struggle to balance work, family, and leisure, who turn their lives into their own catwalks. Glamour doesn't have to be exclusive to the covers of magazines. No matter how much they fascinate us.