General Conditions

These General Terms of Use are agreed upon between José Reis Fialho & Filhos, owner of the Erium brand, with headquarters in Urbanização Quintal Novo, Lt 24, 2475-144 Benedita, hereinafter referred to as 'Erium", and registered users on the website, hereinafter referred to as "User" or "Users", provided that such Users are always retailers.

Orders placed through this website shall be governed only by the present General Terms of Use, excluding any conditions previously established on the Website or by prior and express agreement in writing.

Erium may occasionally modify the provisions of the General Terms of Use, so it is advisable that the users read these terms from time to time.

The present General Terms of Use have the purpose of establishing and releasing the information necessary for the Users and they govern all the steps required for placing an order through the website

Personal Data

Users authorize Erium to treat and use their data in accordance with the Privacy & Cookies Policy of the website

To modify their personal data, Users should go to their personal area.

Erium Newsletter

Subscribers to the Erium Newsletter will receive periodic emails in the email address provided during registration.

Intellectual Property

The website and the content provided therein are protected by the laws relating to copyright and industrial property and may not be copied, reproduced or distributed, fully or partially. It is prohibited, inter alia, to copy or retransmit any text, logo, graphic, sound, or image, unless this is expressly allowed by Erium.
Users are/You are allowed to print and collect information contained in this website for personal use.

Litigation and liability

Erium is not responsible for inconvenience or harm caused to the User by the use of the Internet network, such as: service disruption, external intrusion, anomalies caused by computer viruses, or any other cases of force majeure. The law applicable to any contractual relationship that is established through the Erium website is the Portuguese law. To resolve any conflict arising from any contract entered into pursuant to these Terms of Use the district court shall have the necessary jurisdiction with express waiver of any other.